The Magic and Mystery of Maryland Archeology
2019 Archeology Month
The theme for this year allows for an examination on how people from the past who used certain objects may have viewed the world. The booklet offers examples of artifact studies that may provide insight into Maryland’s “magical” past.
Table of Contents
Ancient Rituals at the Pig Point Site, Stephanie Sperling
Witch Bottles and Bottle Charms, Rebecca Morehouse
Coin Magic, Sara Rivers Cofield
Fleet Street Bundle, Mark Leone
A Crystal in the Kitchen, Lauren Schiszik
Concealed Objects in Architectural Spaces, or “Anybody seen my shoes”?, Matthew Cochran and Jeanne Ward
An Interesting Chicken Burial at London Town, Amelia G. Chisholm
Expressions of African Spirit Practices in Maryland’s Archeological Record, Julie M. Schablitsky
Magical Objects at the Brome Slave Quarter. Historic St. Mary’s City, Silas Hurry
Seeing Power in Buried Iron Objects, Kirsti Uunila
Hoyt’s Cologne, Patricia Samford