It is about opportunities for the public to discover and learn from the past!
Join the Maryland Historical Trust's Office of Archaeology, the Archeological Society of Maryland, the Council for Maryland Archeology, the Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs, and dozens of other organizations and individuals in a statewide celebration of Maryland's archeological heritage! Each year during April, the Governor proclaims Maryland Archeology Month. Events are held throughout the state, including archeological digs open to visitors, archeology talks, demonstrations, films, exhibits of archeological finds, and special events at museums like Historic St. Mary's City and Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum.
Technically, in 1997.
The first Maryland Archeology Month was in 1997, but it really started out in 1993 as
Archeology Week. The success of the week long celebration led a coalition of partners,
including the Archeological Society of Maryland, the Council for Maryland Archeology,
and the Maryland Historical Trust to support a month long initiative.

The 1993 Maryland Archeology Week was held in March, and it was a celebration where the public was invited to Discover Our Archeological Heritage. Over the next several years Maryland Archeology Week proved to be a successful program.
The month long celebration began in 1997, with the theme The Past in Your Backyard. All across the state, artifacts and stories were shared, covering thousands of years of human occupation throughout Maryland.