The theme for 2023 places an emphasis on the archeological context of an artifact. Context refers to the physical location where an artifact was found, and the artifact's spatial relationship to other objects and cultural features. Context allows artifacts to be linked to specific events, site occupations, and cultural traditions. Context also helps to explain how objects were used, what their significance was, and what role they played in the lives of people in the past. This years' booklet provides case studies highlighting the importance of context in Maryland archeology.
Table of Contents
Where Did You Find That Artifact? Zachary Singer
Whittington Privey - A Case Study for the Importance of Context. Patricia Samford.
Well, Well, Well... What Do We Have Here? Elizabeth Tarulis, Brigid Ogden, and Taylor Bowen.
Issues of Context and Meaning: Two Examples from the Barton Site. Robert Wall.
Richard Stearns' Archeological Field Methods and Recordation. Katherine Sterner.
Community Archeology at Herring Run. Lisa Kraus.
When Preservation Suffers. Nichole Doub.
Telling Time with Tile: How One Artifact Type Helps Date Cultural Features at the St. John's Site. Ruth Mitchell.
The Significance of Knowing Where. Henry Miller.
Field Session Teaser - Good Context: A Buried Living Surface at Chapel Branch West. Matthew D. McKnight.